Sunday, June 21, 2020

My First Love

Hello my first love
How are you up above?
Do you still remember me?
You used to call me sweetheart and sweetie

I terribly missed our road trips
Especially our "isaw" bonding and food trips
While listening to the song Aubrey
You even made me believe it was Arbie

I've seen Die Hard and Braveheart, they're your favorite movies
I long to hear again your bedtime stories
And marvel about your adventures in Saudi
You will be surprised, I love dates and biriyani

You are my first hero, my first love
You have a place in my heart no one could ever have.
If you only knew how much those little moments mattered to me
What I'd give if I can embrace you again Papsie

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lord Can You Hear Me?

Lord can You hear me?
Do You listen to my plea?
My heart is shattered
My dreams are scattered

I am crying an abyss of tears
Loved ones who left throughout the years
Heartaches and frustrations I cannot keep track
Are You really there? Oh please answer me back

The Lord answered: "I heard you My Child.
Please do not feel you were exiled.
Your future is bright, you can only see the tip of the ice.
Problems are temporary, set your sight on my eternal prize."

Although you think your future is bleak
And at times you feel very weak
Stay strong and remember, the past is not your master
I am the Lord, trust me, I am the promise keeper.

By: Arbie May M. Quizon-Perez
Muhrif, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.